Ontario Skills Passport: Preparation for the Future


The Ontario Skills Passport provides a strong framework for as it provides a strong framework for your education in design and preparation for the workplace by building, learning these skills and applying them in the future. The Ontario Skills Passport has two lists of skills; Essential Skills and Work Habits, and tests you on what your strengths and weaknesses are based on your results. Essential Skills are skills that are required for future jobs or activities so you can use to apply them when preforming tasks. These skills include; writing, computer use, data analysis, decision making, etc. Essential Skills really helped me with realizing what skills I enjoy and what skills that I should work on in the future. However, as for the Work Habits section are habits that can help you strengthen your productivity and work. These included Work Habits such as; reporting unsafe conditions (Working Safety), taking responsibility with your own work (Teamwork), following directions (Reliability), asking questions when in need of help (Self-Advocacy), and being innovative & creative (Entrepreneurship). As before, I realized what my strengths and weaknesses are from learning from the Ontario Skills Passport to becoming a better person/worker. For example, one of my weaknesses for Work Habits was being punctual, which fell under the category of reliability. In the future, if I kept on falling short by coming in to meetings late for my job, my team would start not trusting my word and would eventually get the whole team to fall short because of my selfish actions. Realizing my wrong doings, I can learn from it to avoid situations like those. Acknowledging these skills from the Ontario Skills Passport, I can use to apply them onto future projects, work, and my future job to become a better person/worker.

Interested in the Ontario Skills Passport? Check out their site;